Our services

Note: This list is not inclusive, please inquire for any special services

PC repair

  • New hardware installation
  • Software troubleshooting
  • Replacing/upgrading computer components
  • Setting up
    • Backups
    • New computers
    • Home media systems
    • Password managers
  • PCs, tablets, phones, network devices, and printers
  • Windows, Linux, and Mac all supported
  • User training in effective technology use

Software Development

  • Full stack software development in Java, C#, Python, or PHP
  • Web applications
  • Business processes automation (usually performed in Python)
  • Secure coding focused
  • Maintainable and vendor-neutral
  • Custom integration with existing software infrastructure (such as Single Sign On for a needed program)
  • Hardening of existing software (security audits and authentication)
    • OATH compliant 2FA (HOTP, TOTP, OCRA)
    • FIDO compliant 2FA
    • Other forms of authentication such as Perfect Paper Passwords
    • Specialized PKI authentication systems

System Administration

  • Linux server installation
  • Website creation
  • E-commerce site creation
  • Virtualization/Dockerization of existing software
  • Automating software deployment
  • Sever security hardening of common services (SSHD, Apache, Nginx)

Contact Us


(941) 681-8420